Pancake Air | IHOP


Pancakes? Yes, pancakes.

This commercial definitely tested the sweet tooth in me. It also tested the tools I had built up to this point as a production assistant. Beforehand, I was a newbie, learning as much as I could with each project. While this experience was similar to my previous one, the skills I had assembled started to show their results.

For the first time, I was considered a leader and a direct resource for the production team. I became the lead production assistant. If there was uncertainty among the assistants, I became the source for reason. If there was a communication issue, I was there to provide clarity. If there was a need for an extra hand, I was the first one to raise mine and recruit more help if needed.

My skills weren’t elevated, only onset. Offset, I enhanced my knowledge in pre-production, performing office duties, and managing paperwork that accelerated the workflow. Gifted Youth was a memorable experience, showing me not only that I had greatly improved but also had the ability to step up and serve as a leader.
